About Us

LET International Trading Company is one of the companies under the ELITE Group, a Turkish company based in Istanbul. The company operates in the cosmetics industry and offers its new brand, LET DO IT, which is distinguished by its excellent quality and natural ingredients.
LET International Trading Company aims to export its products worldwide, thanks to the quality of its products and its experience in this field. The products offered by the company are safe, effective, and compliant with European quality standards.
LET International Trading Company has a team of experienced professionals in the cosmetics industry who work hard to develop and produce products in the best possible way. The company also places great emphasis on innovation and the search for new natural ingredients, with the aim of providing products that meet consumers’ needs.
If you are looking for safe and effective cosmetics products, LET International Trading Company is the perfect choice. The company takes pride in the quality of its products and services and always strives to achieve customer satisfaction.

Green Beauty


Professional Care

Non-Toxic Formula

Personalized Experience

We Love What We Do

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